Fashion Revolution Week

It's Fashion Revolution Week! 

Every year this week is a tragic reminder why the fashion industry has to change. Fashion Revolution Week commemorates the 1134 lives lost and thousands of wounded in the Rana Plaza building crashing. By asking "Who made my clothes?" people draw attention to the problems of the fashion industry and demand change. 

But the horrors of the conventional fashion industry don't stop there. When Natascha took part in an exchange program between Bangladeshi and Berlin Designers in 2015, the one thing that shocked her the most, was the waste (wastefulness?) of the fashion industry. She experienced first hand piles and piles of textile waste. Every garment produces averagely 20% waste in cuttings alone. Additional waste is produced by the massive overproduction field by western consumerism. Back then Natascha decided, if she would ever found a label, it would have to be zero waste. 

Promise kept!

In 2016 Natascha founded her self-titled label Natascha von Hirschhausen. Right from the start the main goal of the brand was to set the benchmark for sustainability in fashion. Every component of our garments is audited along the entire value chain for high social and environmental standards. And with our innovative zero-waste patterns we are able to offer elegant fashion with significantly less than 1% of waste. 

"Only garments, that are worn for a long time and with pleasure can ever be sustainable."